Tuesday, December 31, 2013

NYE 2013!!

2013 .... Whew....!

2013 has been such an eye opener and 365 days self discovery.  My journey has been Very rewarding throughout this life that I have been blessed with, but this year I was really able to acknowledge and accept some things about myself that I never thought.  I have made new friends and I have lost old  friends in flesh and in blood, I have fallen short and I have failed at some things I believed I had a grasp on.  Do I feel defeated or stressed?  Nah, because I have also recognized my growth, every goal that has been set has been reached to some extent by having faith, strength, and the courage to step out and take that chance. Knowing that I never gave up the fight and knowing what my duties are have held my down and kept me smiling.  I love a challenge and I will continue to slay.  I am grateful for the gifts that I possess and I will continue to nurture them.

My spirituality has been elevated and it has also carried me through these treacherous territories.  This year I have prayed more for others than I have myself and I hope that you all are praying for me the same. I can tell someone is because I can't do all of this on my own.  My new faith and spiritual path in Nichiren Buddhism has been quite an experience and has supported me through the tough times.  I love this practice and this way of life and it has been beneficial.  I am sure that some have judged me because they don't understand anything other than what they have have been taught and what they may see on the outside rather than trying to see through to the core.  I don't care what your faith or your religious practice as long as you pray and love and do right by others - I really do not care.  Everyday still, I am learning how to become a better woman, a better friend, sister, daughter, a better lover and an outstanding professional and I accept it with XOXO..

I have family.  A beautiful family near and far.  My nieces are healthy, intelligent, and full of cuteness. We may not see each other or talk too often but you are ALWAYS with me in heart. I come from a broken home and this year I have also come to the realization why some of my relative bonds may also be somewhat "broken", that hurts my heart.  How do I reverse this?  I don't know, but I will focus on this in 2014.  The saying goes, "Don't become so busy living, that you forget to live your life.." or something like that.  Family, to me, is life. With all of it's crazy moments and the "crazies" in the family, all of the arguments, and all of the perfect harmony, there is nothing like having family.  I have worked so hard with this music and entertainment thing and trying to stay above ground the best I can as a single independent woman/entrepreneur, I feel that at times I have put my family last.  If I have made anyone in my family feel this way, I apologize, I do love you..

January 2013, I had a goal to form IN BETWEEN and it was done immediately.  I began preparing 3rd Quarter of 2012 and we were were in February.  I took time off from my corporate travel gigs which allowed me the time to get my guys together and push forward.  Mysteriously, it has all fallen into place with what seems like a little effort and I am pleased.  It has not been easy, one, leaving the extra income to focus developing IN BETWEEN, two, it just has not been easy. LOL.  A few opportunities and a few people have been sent to me to assist with the IN BETWEEN goal and 2014 we will show you all what we have been working towards and why.  I am thankful for each person involved in this process and it makes me want to cry right now.  I cry a lot, but it's for good..  You all should come out and support crew, we go HARD and we go LIVE!  I have set up quite a few shows over 2013 that have been FREE or at minimal cost to you, before long you Will Not have this privilege.  We work hard and pretty soon we will be working hard for the pesos - this is a job.. Support my Crew Twitter: @N_BETWEEN

Some things I will put ALLLL of my energy towards in 2014 and there is more that I can't even mention here in my blog- (wait and watch this..and I'll advise you to put all of your energies towards what you want to achieve as well, ALL of it, watch what happens.. :))

Building Stronger Family Bonds
Finding & Accepting a Healthy Love Life 
Team Building (Get Live or Get Lost)

That's all I've got!  You all be safe out tonight and drink responsibly - Own 2014..!!!
Love Yall & Happy New Year

Reverbnation Music